Setup of onVisit registration terminal Følg
Choose language - English or Norwegian, time zone - UTC + 1 (for Norway), and keyboard layout - Norwegian.
Chose to create a user without Microsoft account. This user will be local admin.
At initial setup, Windows will ask about using location, fingerprint recognition, targeted ads so on. Say No to all of it.
Run Windows Update. Check several times, some updates don't come up at once.
Turn on WebSocket protocoll: Turn Windows features on or off - Internet Information Services - World Wide Web Services - Application Development Features - WebSocket Protocol
Adjust power and sleep settings: screen should not go to sleep and not hibernate. For PCs, go to advanced power settings and adjust for Hard disk turn off - Never. Also, go to USB settings - USB selective suspend setting - Disable.
Adjust screen brightness if necessary, up to 100 %.
Optional: download and install Chrome, Notepad++ and Team Viewer. They are not necessary for onVisit to run, but make it easier to read XML files, access onVisit admin site and get remote help.
Turn off sounds.
For Surface: turn off Windows touch keyboard. OnVisit has a built-in keyboard.
Place onVisit application files at C:\onVisit (create the onVisit folder). Create shortcut to onVisit.SelfReg.Wpf.exe on the desktop.
Create a local onVisit Guest user, without Microsoft account. This user will run the onVisit app and should not be admin for safety reasons. Log in as this user so that the PC sets up a profile for it.
Create a shortcut for onVisit app on this user's desktop as well.
If you want OnVisit to start automatically when the PC starts, place this shortcut into the Windows Start-Up folder. (in Search, type Run, then shell:startup. The folder will open. Copy the shortcut to there.)
As admin, go to Run - netplwiz. Choose to start the pc as guest user without password.
If you are going to use printer with onVisit, follow these instructions for driver installation and the setup of printer: (this article has a built-in translator, select language in the right upper corner).
If you will use Honeywell Genesis 7580 scanner, follow these instructions: